‘Bones go where muscles put them and bones stay where muscles keep them’ & this is why massage therapy & chiropractic care marry so well together.
When our muscles are tight, they can clamp down on the boney surfaces of the body creating irritations that cause inflammation, create pain & contribute to degenerative changes in the body.
When our boney body (aka our skeletal system) is out of alignment, it can create uneven tension patterns in the body that torque us into inefficient movements & postures that strain & stress.
When we loosen & limber up adhered muscles, either by way of massage therapy, stretching or gentle movement, we can free up our skeletal system to move & glide more freely.
Conversely, giving your skeletal system a reset by way of Chiropractic care can help reorganize & retrain your muscles to exist in better balance by way of adjusting how your bones float in your body.
All of this is complimented by way of your daily activities & our team of RMT’s & Dr. Geoff (our in house Chiropractor) have lots of simple ideas to keep the effects of your treatments lasting long after you’ve left the table.
If you’re ready to grow with us…..book your initial Chiropractic treatment &/or your next massage therapy session & let’s start planning how we can be of service to all of your health & wellness goals.